Tribe leadership application


Due to the fact that we have been given the opportunity to steward these young teens in order to help them follow Jesus, we accept the responsibility and high calling that is placed on being a part of their spiritual journey.  By desiring to be a part of the CCMP Tribe Leadership team, you understand that you are choosing to be viewed by teens as a mature follower of Christ.  In order to help you determine if this is the right role for you, then we ask that you complete this application to the best of your ability.  Answer the following questions as honestly and completely as possible.  After the completion of this application, then one of our CCMP pastor's will review it and will determine if you will then be prompted for a criminal background check.  

To see the world, beginning with this community, transformed by Jesus Christ through the equipping of intentional disciple-makers and reaching diverse communities with the Gospel.

CCMP's Statement of Faith

As a volunteer leader, you will serve under the leadership of the CCMP Pastors and constitution/by-law's of this local church..

View CCMP's Core Beliefs By Visiting:

Statement of Applicant's Christian Faith

As a non-denominational ministry, CCMP is Christ centered…focus of our message; Kingdom minded… serving the purpose of the Church; Bible based…source of our authority, spiritually nurturing… helping people to know and grow in Christ; fellowship oriented… connecting people through the love of Christ; volunteer intensive …mobilizing adults to accomplish the mission; culturally adaptive…meeting the diverse needs of this local community; and faith financed…funded through people moved by God to give. Because of the nature of our work, it is important that you have beliefs in accordance with CCMP’s vision. Answering the following questions will help us evaluate such a relationship. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

CCMP's Sexual Purity Statement

God desires His children to lead pure lives of holiness. The Bible teaches that the appropriate place for sexual expression is in the context of a marriage relationship. The biblical description of marriage is one man and one woman in a lifelong commitment. While upholding God’s standard of holiness, CCMP strongly affirms God’s love and redemptive power in the individual who chooses to follow Him. CCMP’s desire is to encourage individuals to trust in Jesus and turn away from any impure lifestyle.

Youth Protection Policy

Any abuse (whether sexual, physical, emotional or neglect) will not be tolerated. Abusive conduct or allegation will lead to immediate removal from leadership and responsibilities. To assist and protect your integrity and leadership responsibilities, we ask that you: not put yourself in a compromising situation(texting with students of the opposite sex as an example), not rely on your good reputation or put yourself in a position where it’s your word against another individual’s, be aware of what you say, watch what you do, being cautious of and avoiding “bad” touch, be aware of fantasy relationships, be aware that athletic activities(games) could be opportunities for an abusive situation, focus on the spiritual guidelines while working with students.

Reporting Policy and Procedures:

Any abusive situations you observe or become aware of must be reported immediately to a CCMP Pastor or volunteer person in charge of a specific event. Stabilize the immediate abusive situation by stopping the abuse.

Observe Guidelines and Policies

Please answer each question. You need not disclose information that is contained in sealed or expunged records if you live in a state that exempts you from disclosure of such information.